
Environmental management systems

Water Management & Improved Solid Waste Systems

By conducting a Water Budget Analysis, we can assess every aspect of water use at your site, from source through use and to final disposal. Quantifying these figures is essential for implementation of a Water Management Plan which saves money, improves efficiency and greatly improves site sustainability.

Decision making is simplified through production of cost benefit analyses for all recommendations, allowing managers to implement changes in a strategic manner. This is an essential practice for all sites to undergo, from domestic to touristic, industrial to agricultural.

Waste management

GreenWater offers solid waste training courses, designed to drastically reduce waste, save money and recycle effectively.​

Takataka-tastic ​(takataka = litter, rubbish, waste or dirt in Kiswahili)​.

The training is delivered in a simple and informative manner, encouraging participation by all members of staff and giving them a chance to feedback into the learning process. Experience has shown that giving participants a general background about waste enhances their appreciation of the importance of good management and initiates the behaviour change needed to (gradually) improve the environment.

The course includes:

Assessment of existing practices
Waste identification & its effect on the environment
Minimising waste – REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE
Practical sessions
Identification of local recyclers or alternative options for waste management
Implementation a monitoring system
Design of composting, waste storage area and incinerator systems

We can tailor a course specifically for your site, please contact us for more details.